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Whole Grain Farro Market - Global Industry Trend Analysis


Whole Grain Farro: Market Outlook

Consumer habits and dietary behaviours have shifted over the last few years. The shift in diet is driven by several factors, such as increased internet connectivity, increased understanding of balanced food consumption, increased worries about obesity levels, changing technical factors, food production, and others.

Potential customers have taken care of and precautions about the type of food that they routinely eat. Some of the healthier foods which are gaining popularity are whole grain & high fiber foods. Whole-grain farro foods are those items that were processed into finished goods from whole grains sources like seeds & nuts.

Whole grain comes from a range of sources such as wheat, maize, barley, brown rice, rye, quinoa, and multigrain. Farro is a highly nutritious grain. It is a great source of protein, carbohydrates, and nutrients such as Zinc, magnesium, and some vitamins B. Farro is a strong source of natural antioxidants and polyphenols which are also thought to play a role in protecting against heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and cancers. This multi-beneficial property of whole-grain farro triggering the growth of the global whole grain farro market among health-conscious consumers.

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Food manufacturers Strategize on Coming Up with Diversified Products

Whole-grain farro manufacturers are constantly innovating and launching on-the-go products. Some manufacturers also focus on developing products that reduce the time required to cook. Also, several whole-grain farro food manufacturers have set production goals for the forecast years to expand their market share in the better-for-you foods segment, to satisfy customer demand for strong nutritional profiles.

Growing Vegan Population Increases Demand for Whole Grain Farro

The growing trend for vegan diets is a prominent reason for consumer inclination towards plant-based products. Due to the increased awareness of animal welfare, consumers are turning away from animal-based products and are switching to healthier alternatives for plant-based products, including, whole-grain farro. Due to its nutritional properties, consumers are preferring whole-grain farro for healthy diets. The consumer shift towards a vegan diet is driving the growth of the global whole grain farro market.

The demand for plant-based foods among consumers has increased since they promote gut health and fuel their brains. Changing habits, particularly for millennial and generation-Z customers, improves another complexity to the equation, as their digitally-savvy ways have changed. Generation-Z end users are "clean eaters" and not only have a keen interest in what the product is but also in how and by whom it is produced. This is one of the factors, which is anticipated to trigger the growth of whole-grain farro in the global market over the forecast period.

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Whole Grain Farro: Market Segmentation

On the basis of nature, the whole grain farro can be segmented as:

  • Organic
  • Conventional

On the basis of distribution channel, the whole grain farro can be segmented as:

  • B2B
  • B2C
    • Hypermarkets / Supermarkets
    • Specialty Store
    • Modern Trade
    • Online Retail
    • Others

Whole Grain Farro Market: Key Players:

The whole grain farro market having prominent key players driving the growth of global market including, Bob’s Red Mill, Roland Foods LLC, 365 Everyday Value, Nature’s Earthly Choice, Timeless Natural Food, Urban Platter, Emmer Farro, True Elements, Bluebird Grain Farm, and many others.

Explore Transparency Market Research’s award-winning coverage of the global Industry: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/changing-consumer-preferences-to-natural-plant-based-food-ingredients-to-provide-promising-growth-opportunities-for-citrus-fiber-market-says-tmr-301348160.html

Whole Grain Farro: Regional Analysis

North America is projected to lead the whole grain farro market, led by Latin America. Collectively, North America and Latin America are predicted to account for half of the whole grain farro market. The deskbound lifestyle has forced people across the globe to opt for a life connected essentially to self-care; prioritizing food, and products that are related to a healthy lifestyle and good nutrition. Whole grain farro are witnessing bolstering growth owing to their authenticity and high nutritional value. Besides, consumers are shifting towards minimally processed or unprocessed food varieties as they have retained nutritional value

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